#HeadtoTow App hits 1 Million users
Wow we have hit 1 Million users of our FREE #HeadtoTow safety App. Thank you to all the trailer manufactures and everyone who joined in...

Heading to Wiltshire on Wednesday.
The Tilly Pass team are heading to Tallis Amos Group new depot in Kemble on Wed 9th Feb. We are looking forward to talking #TrailerSafety...

Trailer training in #Norfolk
The Tilly team have been busy in #Norfolk today hitting more trailer training #HeadtoTow This Bailey trailer is sporting one of our new...

Welcome to Tilly Pass-Agricultural Trailer Towing Blog.
Farming is blighted by its poor SAFETY record. In 2022 we must act and put safety first and foremost. The Tilly has been Blogging now...

CORNTHWAITE Group open days.
Cornthwaite Group open days this week are an ideal time to talk trailers. #Ktwo #TillyPass 🚜✅ Pop along and talk to the professionals...

Tuckwells head for their 5th year of Tilly testing.
"We at #Tuckwells are advocates of all things associated around safety in agriculture, the #Tilly Pass trailer inspection was a natural...

Angus Western of Richard Western Trailers, talks safely.
Richard Western “The number one priority for all businesses in all sectors should be safety. Business owners and managers have a...

👑The platinum Jubilee Tilly Pass
👑In Celebration of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee we at Tilly Pass have launched our 2022 Platinum Tilly. This will displayed throughout...

🚜Farmer's insured with the NFU Mutual are urged not to wait to book their trailers for their Tilly
NFU Mutual urges customers not to take their farm trailers for granted as they talk #TillyPass on their new website link. We asked ...

Harry West Trailers are flying the flag for safety
While visiting Midland Machinery Show it was great to see the Tilly Pass banner flying on the Harry West Trailers stand. #TrailerSafety...