launching the all new Head to Tow at LAMMA was two days not to be forgotten. The trailer manufacturers have been working hard to develop their safety checks for the new App but for some time just ran out. With Christmas and new year pressing down on us we still have work to do but over the next few weeks we will have a full up & running set of checks ✅ The App will be a great way to train on farm and keep you within your legal requirements https://www.hse.gov.uk/agriculture/topics/maintenance.htm
What the App will offer: Hitting the Tilly Pass website will give you the opportunity to find out more about maintaining your trailer annually with a Tilly inspection visiting the dealer locator page and the #HeadtoTow page where you will find all the Manufacturers links. Log on and visit Richard Western, Bailey Trailers, Richard Larrington, Harry West, Broughan, Stewart trailers , KTwo and Warwick. So please take time to visit and ask any questions.
To load the App on your handset or tablet go to www.tillypass.co.uk
let’s start using our Head to Tow.
